Thorgate was chosen to be the development partner of Nordic Brain Tech (NBT), helping them to create a unique technology that aims to reduce migraine headaches. The revolutionary technology under development is called Cerebri and it uses biofeedback in headache treatment.
”While the main treatment for migraines currently is pain supression, Cerebri, based on Nordic Brain Tech's biofeedback, tries to prevent or at least alleviate the severity of headaches” explained Karl Õkva who is a partner and key account manager at Thorgate.
The team sees a large potential in this solution that would help people get access to better healthcare. “The solution creates an opportunity to improve the life of tens if not hundreds of thousands of people by reducing the occurrence of migraine attacks or even eliminating these altogether” said Õkva.
This solution is composed of wireless sensors and a treatment program in an application. Together, these will gather data about heart rate, surface temperature as well as muscle tension in the neck. ”This information is shown to the user via the application and based on that, recommendations are made to ultimately prevent a headache through a combination of mental exercises and doctors prescriptions” said Õkva while explaining the working principles of Cerebri.
An international team is working on the Nordic Brain Tech’s solution involving scientists, doctors and top specialists from Norway, Estonia and Sweden. “Nordic Brain Tech is working closely with doctors and scientists from Norwegian University of Science and Technology and soon clinical trials for testing Cerebri will begin in Norway. The medical device itself is co-developed with a partner in Sweden and the software solution and digital product design are co-developed in Estonia.“ told Õkva.
“Since the beginning of the project, it has been clear that we have been able to interpret each-others' thoughts well and Nordic Brain Tech’s solution´s technical logic connects well with Thorgate’s knowledge base,” said Õkva. The first jointly built product called BrainTwin is already accessible to the end-users as a mobile application. It allows the users to keep a headache diary and record the location of the headache as well as medication intakes, thus helping to better diagnose the underlying causes for migraine attacks.

Our project managers meeting with Nordic Brain Tech representatives in Oslo March 2022.
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